Montag, 28. Februar 2011


Köln, 28. Februar 2011
...wieder im wirklichen Leben angekommen...

Auszug aus dem VSO Evaluations-Sheet:
Dear Returned VSO Volunteer,

Your experience with VSO is very valuable to us. Besides further strengthening our partnership with VSO, sharing your learnings has proven to be an inspiration for colleagues, clients and flex workers. For internal and possibly external communications we would like to hear from you. Therefore we kindly ask you to fill out the brief survey below (answers can also be given in Dutch). Naturally we will not use your answers internally or externally without your permission.

Thanks a lot in advance!

Name: Christiane

Placement: Kalomo District Council

Role: Human Resources Management Advisor

1) What kind of work experience/HR expertise did you bring to your VSO assignment?
Human Resources standards
Wide Recruitment (incl. executive positions) expertise
Project Management
Coaching and development of people
Analysis of medium-size companies
Creation of workplans
Labor Law
Evaluation of surveys
Leading a team
Management Consulting
Cooperation with unions and work councils
Leading through workshops and meetings

2) What kind of work related experience/insights did you gain overseas?
Setting up leadership workshops
Leadership development
Dealing with HR on my own in all its complexity
Cooperation with NGO´s / especially GIZ (formally GTZ)
Cooperation with Ministries
Creation of an appraisal system
Working in a local government
Interpretation of unknown Labor Laws
Developing and setting up a new vacation-leave system
Running and developing everything on my own
Insights in a system which is unequal and very different from what we know back home.
Creating, writing and implementing of a HR Policy

3) Please give an example of experience gained through volunteering, which you apply now in your day-to-day work at your workplace
More self confidence in running through complex and difficult projects. If you made it in Africa you can make it everywhere ;-)

4) Do you think that what you learned and experienced could also be acquired by following a course?

5) Why would or wouldn’t you recommend a VSO placement to your colleagues and friends?
I would definitely recommend a VSO placement to others. It´s possible to gain a lot of experiences both – in your job, and through interacting with people. I met fantastic people and had several real challenges. I could travel a lot, too and open my eyes for the world outside even a bit wider.

It´s important to see the placement in its realistic dimensions, though! It´s better not to try desperately to change the world. You´re facing real problems like corruption, misuse of money, poverty, a non existent social security system, inequality, access to benefits only for a small number of people etc. and sometimes a disinterest in your work.

VSO is a very professional, trustworthy and reliable organization. I had the feeling I can rely on it whatever would happen. All the meetings were set in a very professional way and the incountry induction was sufficient. But within the placement you´re more or less on your own and should not expect too much support through the program managers.

It´s necessary to be very hands on and flexible. It might be you need to change all your origin plans and start from a different point. It’s sometimes all about convincing others – especially decision makers.

Would you be willing to share your VSO experience for internal and/or external communication purposes (we will always get your approval first)?
yes, of course!

Other comments:
People, don´t think - just go for it!

Thank you for your participation!


Und auf der Arbeit wurde ich auch wieder herzlich willkommen geheißen (Auszug aus unserem Firmenintranet):

Insight 24.02.2011

Kollegin vom VSO-Einsatz aus Sambia zurück! - Sind Sie vielleicht die oder der Nächste?
Ein schönes Beispiel möchten wir Ihnen heute vorstellen:

Christiane ist Mitte Januar aus Sambia zurückgekehrt. Sie war als VSO-Volunteer von Juni bis Dezember 2010 als HR-Advisor bei HR-Solutions-Sambia im Einsatz. Sie hat für eine Stadtverwaltung ein HR-Management-System entwickelt und eng mit internationalen Organisationen zusammengearbeitet.

Christiane ist im Anschluss an ihre Tätigkeit durch das südliche Afrika gereist und hat seit Februar wieder deutschen Boden unter den Füßen.

Sie wurde herzlichst von ihrer Vorgesetzen, HR und VSO begrüßt.

Christiane ist seit dem 01. Februar wieder für unser Unternehmen tätig.